Happy days
Date: can't remember (Pink, can help me out here?) These were deffinately happier days. Was out to watch "7 swords", hated it but loved the company. It was ages since we went out in such a large group. Made me so happy inside that I wouldn't even sleep that night. Just remembering back, makes my heart aflutter. If only days like these could last... After we all got home, I smsed everyone to thank them for such a great nite and hoped that there will be more days like these, soon. I even have pics to show *grins*
Nic: I'm so full, I think I'm gonna puke
Pink: Wow... those are HUGE!
Conz: har har har
Ndrew: My baby's so cute when she laughs like that
Jaz: I'm Mr. Macho-Cool
Wong: Take me, take me...
Jinz: *concentrating on eating*
Wong: *can't move after so much food*
Jinz: Have to be clean and hygienic *wipes mouth*
Banana: No fair... Why do I have to give up my food for Anne???